Monday 19 October 2015

Welcome to the Garage

As per discussion between the group members, the end product is intended to consist of a garage environment. One character will be modelled, and so will a car, some environmental props, and the garage itself.

Current Team Roles (based on previous discussion)

Alexei - Environment - Props
Cedrick - One Character
Daniel - Environment - Car
Sam - Environment - Building(s)

This project was originally intended to be Beyond the Veil of Grace, a project involving  a story which concerns humans, demons, and the boundary between their worlds. But there were many disagreements surrounding the idea of the project and its implementation, particularly much of the group members were concerned about having a balanced spread of skills and whether or not a finished and polished product could be achieved following the project premise within the seven weeks given. So instead, most of the group preferred to make a single image of a garage instead. Eventually, this was agreed upon, and we now pursue said project with an additional post-apocalyptic theme.

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